SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Localization


What is meant by Localization?

Localization refers to the localization or positioning of objects, people, or events in a geographic space. In the software world, geolocation often refers to the representation and navigation of data points on maps or other spatial representations. This function is particularly relevant in applications for navigation, logistics, real estate, and geographic information systems (GIS).

Typical Functions of Software in the Area of "Localization":

  1. Map Display: Display of data points, routes, or areas on interactive maps.
  2. Geocoding: Conversion of addresses or place names into geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).
  3. Reverse Geocoding: Conversion of geographic coordinates into readable addresses or place names.
  4. Geographic Search: Search for data based on geographic criteria such as distance, radius, or boundaries.
  5. Routing and Navigation: Calculation of routes and navigation between different locations considering traffic conditions or user-defined preferences.
  6. Geofencing: Setting up virtual geographic boundaries to trigger notifications or actions upon entering or leaving a specific area.
  7. Layer Management: Management of various map layers or overlays to represent different types of data.
  8. Custom Markers and Symbols: Customization of the representation of data points through custom markers, symbols, or colors.
  9. Interactive Elements: Addition of interactive elements such as zooming, panning, or clicking on maps.
  10. Real-time Data Integration: Integration of real-time data such as traffic or weather information for dynamically adjusting the map display.


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The function / module Localization belongs to:

Building and craftsmen software

Software solutions with function or module Localization:

Web-based (construction) project communication system with versatile module connection