SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > linear buckling

linear buckling

What is meant by linear buckling?

The term "linear buckling" refers to a simplified analysis of the buckling of rods or columns under axial compressive load, assuming a linear relationship between load and deformation. This method is based on Euler's buckling theory and is valid for slender components in the elastic range.

Typical software functions in the area of "linear buckling":

  1. Buckling analysis: Calculation of the critical buckling load for various rod lengths and cross-sections.
  2. Eigenvalue calculation: Determination of buckling modes and corresponding buckling loads.
  3. Stability verification: Checking the buckling safety for given loads.
  4. Parameter variation: Investigation of the influence of geometry and material parameters on buckling behavior.
  5. Visualization: Graphical representation of buckling modes and stress distributions.
  6. Optimization: Automatic adjustment of cross-sections to increase buckling safety.

Examples of "linear buckling":

  1. Euler buckling of a slender steel column under centric compressive load.
  2. Buckling analysis of a truss member in a bridge construction.
  3. Stability investigation of columns in a multi-story building.
  4. Calculation of the critical buckling load for various support conditions.
  5. Analysis of buckling failure of compression members in lightweight structures.
  6. Optimization of cross-sectional geometry to increase the buckling stability of machine parts.

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Software solutions with function or module linear buckling:

Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software