SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Legends


What is meant by Legends?

The term "legends" refers to explanatory labels or symbols in charts, maps, or reports that describe the meaning of the data being presented. Legends help clarify the various elements in a chart (such as colors, symbols, line styles, or areas) to ensure users correctly interpret the information shown. They are an essential part of visual representations that encompass multiple datasets or categories.

Typical software functions in the area of "legends":

  1. Automatic Legend Generation: Software can automatically create legends based on the data elements used in charts or maps.
  2. Legend Display Customization: Users can customize the appearance of legends, including colors, font sizes, and positioning.
  3. Interactive Legends: In interactive reports or dashboards, legends can be linked to the graphic, allowing users to highlight or filter data in the chart by clicking on a legend item.
  4. Dynamic Legends: The legend adjusts automatically when the underlying data is changed or filtered.
  5. Multilingual Support: The ability to create legends in various languages to accommodate international users.
  6. Legend Export: The option to export legends along with the charts into reports or other documents.

Examples of "legends":

  1. Color Legends: In a bar chart, a legend explains that blue bars represent revenue and red bars represent costs.
  2. Symbol Legends: On a map, a legend clarifies that a circle represents a location and a star represents a headquarters.
  3. Line Chart Legends: A legend explains that a solid line represents the average annual revenue, while a dashed line indicates the forecast.

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The function / module Legends belongs to:

Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Software solutions with function or module Legends:

Software for street lighting management