SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Kundenbackend


What is meant by Kundenbackend?

The term "Customer Backend" refers to the administrative area of a software or web application specifically designed for customers. It allows customers to manage their accounts, view information, and perform various actions without having to directly contact the company.

Typical software functions in the area of "Customer Backend":

  1. Account Management: Allows customers to update their personal data and access information.
  2. Order Overview: Displays the current status and history of orders.
  3. Invoice Management: Provides access to current and past invoices as well as payment options.
  4. Support Requests: Enables the creation and tracking of support tickets.
  5. Document Management: Provides access to important documents such as contracts or manuals.
  6. Product Configuration: Allows customization of products or services.
  7. Notification System: Informs customers about important events or changes.
  8. Analysis Tools: Offers customers insights into their usage data or consumption statistics.

Examples of "Customer Backend":

  1. Online Banking Portal: Customers can make transfers, check account balances, and manage credit cards.
  2. E-Commerce Platform: Customers manage their orders, returns, and payment methods.
  3. Telecommunications Provider Portal: Customers can change tariffs, view bills, and book services.
  4. Insurance Dashboard: Customers manage their policies, report claims, and update personal information.
  5. SaaS Platform: Business customers configure their software subscriptions and manage user rights.
  6. Energy Provider Portal: Customers enter meter readings, analyze their consumption, and adjust advance payments.

The function / module Kundenbackend belongs to:

Customer master data

Software solutions with function or module Kundenbackend:

audius:Finance for financial service providers
CAS IT Services
Sunrise Software Relations