SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Key management

Key management

What is meant by Key management?

The term "key management" refers to the organization and control of keys and their usage within an organization. This includes both physical keys and digital keys and access permissions. Key management systems help to increase security, prevent losses, and efficiently manage access to controlled areas and resources.

Typical software functions in the area of "key management":

  1. Key Registration: Detailed recording and documentation of all keys and access permissions within the system.
  2. Issuance and Return: Management of the distribution and collection of keys to and from authorized persons.
  3. User Management: Management of user profiles and their permissions within the key management system.
  4. Logging: Recording all transactions and activities related to the keys, including issuance, return, and usage.
  5. Notifications and Reminders: Automated notifications about upcoming returns, extensions, or irregularities.
  6. Inventory Management: Real-time overview of the current status and location of all registered keys.
  7. Reporting: Creating reports on key usage and management for internal and external audits.
  8. Access Control: Integration with physical or digital access control systems for automated management of access permissions.
  9. Loss and Theft Management: Processes for reporting and managing lost or stolen keys.
  10. Security Functions: Mechanisms to ensure the integrity and security of key data, such as encryption and access controls.


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The function / module Key management belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Key management:

Key and master key system management (for individual keys and group keys)
Systems for time recording, personnel management & access control
Modular, expandable software for document, customer, task and dictation management
Secldent – Empower digital identity
Brand protection, track & trace and customer loyalty through secure serialization
prime WebTime and prime WebAccess
Time recording and access control for 5-5000 employees
For school library, learning resource management, public library, and law office.