SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Keepalive support

Keepalive support

What is meant by Keepalive support?

The term "Keepalive Support" refers to a feature in network protocols and applications designed to ensure the availability and integrity of a connection between two endpoints. Keepalive involves regularly sent signals or packets that check whether a network connection is still active and functioning. These signals help detect connection failures and, if necessary, automatically restore the connection or take other actions to maintain connection stability.

Typical software functions in the area of "Keepalive Support":

  1. Periodic sending of Keepalive signals: Automatically sending verification signals at specific time intervals to monitor the connection.
  2. Detection of connection issues: Monitoring incoming and outgoing data to detect connection drops or inactivity.
  3. Automatic response to connection loss: Restoring the connection or notifying relevant systems or administrators of a connection drop.
  4. Configuration of Keepalive parameters: Adjusting time intervals and types of Keepalive signals based on network environment requirements.
  5. Integration with network protocols: Support for various network protocols such as TCP/IP, UDP, or HTTPS to ensure communication reliability.
  6. Logging and reporting: Logging Keepalive activities and generating reports on connection reliability and stability.

Examples of "Keepalive Support":

  1. A network device regularly sends ICMP Echo Requests (Ping) to connected devices to ensure network connection availability.
  2. A server application uses TCP Keepalive packets to check if clients are still connected to the server and automatically responds to dropped connections.
  3. A cloud platform uses HTTPS Keepalive signals to ensure web applications are continuously available and respond quickly to user requests.
  4. A VPN service uses regular heartbeat messages to maintain connections to VPN clients and automatically restore connections as needed.
  5. An IoT device communicates over UDP and sends periodic Keepalive packets to ensure the connection to the IoT server remains active and reliably transfers data.
  6. Network monitoring software logs the results of Keepalive tests to monitor and improve the uptime and reliability of network components.


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The function / module Keepalive support belongs to:

Terminal emulation

Software solutions with function or module Keepalive support:

Connectivity for mainframe solutions (IBM iSeries, IBM zSeries, Siemens BS2000/OSD)