SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Heating cost billing

Heating cost billing

What is meant by Heating cost billing?

The term "Heating Cost Billing according to HKVO" refers to the billing of heating and hot water costs in accordance with the provisions of the German Heating Costs Ordinance (HKVO). This ordinance regulates consumption-based billing in buildings with central heating systems and stipulates that 50 to 70 percent of the costs must be billed according to actual consumption and the remainder according to the living or usable area.

Typical software functions in the area of "Heating Cost Billing according to HKVO":

  1. Consumption Data Collection: Automatic recording and processing of consumption data from heat cost allocators and water meters.
  2. Cost Allocation: Calculation of basic and consumption costs according to HKVO guidelines.
  3. Area Management: Recording and management of living and usable areas for basic cost distribution.
  4. Billing Generation: Creation of individual bills for tenants and overall bills for landlords.
  5. Data Visualization: Graphical representation of consumption data and cost trends.
  6. Compliance Check: Verification of bills for compliance with current HKVO regulations.

The function / module Heating cost billing belongs to:

Facility management