SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Guideline management

Guideline management

What is meant by Guideline management?

"Guideline management" refers to the process of creating, managing, and implementing policies and regulations within a company or organization.

Typical functions of software in the "Guideline management" domain include:

  1. Policy Creation and Editing: Capturing and creating policies and regulations, as well as the ability to edit and update these documents.

  2. Approval Workflow: Establishing approval workflows for new policies or changes, including notifications and escalations.

  3. Versioning and History: Tracking versions and changes to policy documents, as well as recording the history of all revisions.

  4. Publication and Distribution: Ability to publish and distribute policies to relevant stakeholders within the organization.

  5. Training and Compliance: Integration of training modules to educate employees about new or updated policies, as well as monitoring compliance with policies.

  6. Monitoring and Reporting: Monitoring policy compliance and generating reports on compliance statistics and trends.

  7. Security and Access Control: Implementing security measures and access controls to ensure that only authorized users can access policy documents.

The function / module Guideline management belongs to:

Quality management

internal errors
Security check

Software solutions with function or module Guideline management: