SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Gridlayer


What is meant by Gridlayer?

A grid layer is a component in geographic information systems (GIS) and mapping software that enables a raster-based representation of data. It is a layer that overlays a regular grid or raster on a map or image to organize and visualize spatial information.

Typical software functions in the area of "Grid Layer":

  1. Raster Creation: Generation of grids with definable cell size and extent.
  2. Data Interpolation: Calculation of values for raster cells based on point data.
  3. Reclassification: Reassignment of values to raster cells according to specific criteria.
  4. Overlay Analysis: Combination of multiple grid layers to generate new information.
  5. Visualization: Display of raster data with various color schemes and symbologies.
  6. Elevation Modeling: Creation and analysis of digital terrain models.

Examples of "Grid Layer":

  1. Elevation Maps: Representation of terrain height in a regular grid.
  2. Temperature Distributions: Visualization of temperature values across an area.
  3. Population Density: Display of population count per raster cell.
  4. Precipitation Distribution: Mapping of rainfall or snowfall amounts in a grid.
  5. Land Use Classification: Categorization of areas in a grid system.
  6. Satellite Images: Representation of remote sensing data in a raster format.

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The function / module Gridlayer belongs to:

Lists, reports

Software solutions with function or module Gridlayer:

PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control