SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Freight database

Freight database

What is meant by Freight database?

A freight database is a centralized system that records and manages all of a company's freight information (weight, volume, shipping and receiving addresses, etc.) and tariff agreements with various service providers. This database allows employees to find the best freight alternatives by comparing service providers and tariffs based on various criteria such as price, transit time, and other factors. The use of the freight database can be company-wide and across locations, often accessible via a web browser.

Typical software functions in the area of "freight database":

  1. Service Provider Selection:

    • Formulation of requirements by the user.
    • Real-time transport assessment and comparison.
    • Sortable selection of valid tariffs and service providers.
  2. Information System:

    • Quick overview of alternative freight costs.
    • Basis for offers and sales negotiations.
    • Avoiding overloading the logistics department with inquiries.
  3. Ease of Use:

    • Query of freight costs through the entry of shipment data in a web browser.
    • No logistical expertise required from the user.
    • Automatic pre-selection of service providers based on destination area, shipping method, and other criteria.
  4. Extensive Information Pool:

    • Storage of contact details and country restrictions.
    • Ensuring continuous knowledge within the company.


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The function / module Freight database belongs to:

Car management, fleet management

Software solutions with function or module Freight database:

Software for automated planning and optimization of tours and routes
Freight and Transport Management
Software solution for freight cost analysis, controlling and simulation
Solution for the intranet that provides real-time information about your freight rates
Transport management system for carriers and forwarders