SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > follow or unfollow

follow or unfollow

What is meant by follow or unfollow?

In social media, "Following or Unfollowing" refers to the act of subscribing to or unsubscribing from another user or entity to see or not see their posts, updates, or activities in one's own news feed. This feature is typical of platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, where users can follow other users to see their content, and they can decide at any time whom they no longer wish to follow.

Typical features of software in the "Following or Unfollowing" area may include:

  1. View user profiles: Displaying profile information of other users, including their number of followers, those they follow, and those who follow them.

  2. Following: Ability for users to follow other users to track their posts or activities and see them in their own news feed.

  3. Unfollowing: Ability for users to unsubscribe from other users and no longer see their posts or activities in their news feed.

  4. Notifications: Notifications about new followers, follower losses, or other activities related to following or unfollowing users.

  5. Follower management: Managing the list of users a user follows and the list of users who follow them, including displaying, searching, sorting, and filtering followers.

  6. Activity history: Displaying a history of a user's follower or unfollower activities to track changes over time.

  7. Blocking: Ability for users to block other users to prevent their content or interactions and prevent them from interacting with them.

  8. Privacy settings: Settings to control the visibility of follower and following activities and restrict access to this information.


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The function / module follow or unfollow belongs to:

Social Media

Software solutions with function or module follow or unfollow:

InterRed: Multi Channel Publishing