SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Field record

Field record

What is meant by Field record?

A field record ("Schlagkartei" in German) is an agricultural documentation system for detailed recording and management of information about individual cultivation areas or "fields". It serves the systematic recording of all relevant data on soil cultivation, sowing, fertilization, plant protection, and harvesting for each arable field.

Typical software functions in the area of "field record":

  1. Area management: Digital recording and visualization of arable fields
  2. Measure planning: Scheduling and documentation of field work
  3. Fertilizer management: Calculation and recording of fertilizer applications
  4. Plant protection documentation: Recording of plant protection measures
  5. Yield documentation: Recording and analysis of harvest yields
  6. Crop rotation planning: Planning and optimization of crop rotation
  7. Cost calculation: Calculation of production costs per field
  8. Weather data integration: Incorporation of local weather data for precise planning
  9. GIS connection: Linking with geographic information systems
  10. Reporting: Generation of reports for regulatory requirements

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