SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > FE mesh creation

FE mesh creation

What is meant by FE mesh creation?

The term "FE mesh generation" refers to the process of discretizing a component or structure into a multitude of small, finite elements as part of the Finite Element Method (FEM). This step is crucial for the accuracy and efficiency of the subsequent FEM analysis.

Typical software functions in the area of "FE mesh generation":

  1. Automatic meshing: Generation of an FE mesh based on geometry and predefined parameters.
  2. Manual mesh refinement: Ability to locally refine the mesh in critical areas.
  3. Mesh quality check: Analysis and visualization of mesh quality, e.g., element distortions or aspect ratios.
  4. Adaptive meshing: Automatic adjustment of mesh fineness based on results of a preliminary analysis.
  5. Element type selection: Ability to choose different element types (e.g., tetrahedral, hexahedral) for various applications.
  6. Mesh transition control: Control of the transition between areas of different mesh fineness.

Examples of "FE mesh generation":

  1. Meshing of a complex engine block with automatic refinement at edges and holes.
  2. Creation of a structured hexahedral mesh for the analysis of a bridge girder.
  3. Adaptive mesh refinement in areas of high stress concentration in an aircraft fuselage.
  4. Generation of a shell element mesh for the analysis of a thin-walled pressure vessel wall.
  5. Creation of a mixed mesh of tetrahedra and hexahedra for an automobile chassis.
  6. Mesh refinement in the area of welds when analyzing an offshore platform.

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The function / module FE mesh creation belongs to:

Finite elements

Software solutions with function or module FE mesh creation:

Flownex® SE
Flownex® SE
1D-CFD: Flownex determines pressure losses, mass flows and heat transfers
Software for calculating heat flows, thermal bridges, isotherms and Uf-values
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software