SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Extension options (plugins etc.)

Extension options (plugins etc.)

What is meant by Extension options (plugins etc.)?

The term "extension options" refers to additional software components or modules that can be integrated into an existing system to extend or enhance its functionality. These extensions, often called plugins, add-ons, or modules, allow for customization of the base software, adding new features or expanding existing ones without altering the core application itself.

Typical software functions in the area of "extension options (plugins etc.)":

  1. Modular Architecture: The software is designed to allow additional functions to be integrated through external extensions without affecting the core software.
  2. Plugin Management: Management and installation of plugins or extensions, including activation, deactivation, and configuration of extensions.
  3. Compatibility Check: Verification of the compatibility of plugins with the existing software version to ensure that no conflicts arise.
  4. API Support: Provision of interfaces (APIs) that enable plugins to communicate with the core application and exchange data.
  5. Update Management: Features for updating plugins to ensure they remain compatible with the latest version of the core software.
  6. Custom Settings: Customization and configuration of extensions according to the specific needs and preferences of users.
  7. Security Management: Monitoring and ensuring the security of plugins to avoid potential security risks or vulnerabilities.

Examples of "extension options (plugins etc.)":

  1. Browser Plugins: Extensions like ad blockers or password managers that add functionalities to web browsers.
  2. Content Management System (CMS) Plugins: Additional modules for CMS platforms like WordPress or Joomla that add features like SEO optimization or contact forms.
  3. E-Commerce Add-ons: Extensions for online shop platforms like Shopify or Magento that integrate payment options or shipping methods.
  4. Development Plugins: Tools for IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) like Visual Studio Code or Eclipse that provide additional programming aids or debugging functions.
  5. Design Add-ons: Plugins for graphic and design software like Adobe Photoshop that offer new filters, effects, or tools.
  6. ERP Modules: Additional modules for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems that add specific functions for finance, inventory management, or human resources.


The function / module Extension options (plugins etc.) belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Extension options (plugins etc.):

myPARM - Multi-project management software
rexx HR - Talent Management
Supply-Monitor™ - Software solution for supplier management