SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Expiration date

Expiration date

What is meant by Expiration date?

Expiration date refers to the expiration date or shelf life of a product or item, indicating until when it maintains its full functionality, validity, or safety. This concept is particularly relevant in industries such as food retail, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, or other perishable goods where quality or safety may degrade over time.

Typical software functions in the area of "Expiration date" include:

  1. Expiration Date Management: Capture and management of expiration dates for products, batches, or individual units.
  2. Expiration Monitoring: Monitoring and notification of approaching or expired expiration dates.
  3. Inventory Management: Integration of expiration dates into inventory management to ensure older stock is used first or removed from inventory.
  4. Automatic Alerts and Notifications: Automatic generation of warnings or notifications to warehouse staff or procurement departments regarding critical expiration dates.
  5. Traceability: Product traceability based on expiration dates for quality control or recall actions.
  6. Compliance Management: Ensuring compliance with legal requirements and regulations regarding expiration dates and consumer protection.


The function / module Expiration date belongs to:

Inventory management and control

Safety and health protection

Software solutions with function or module Expiration date:

Doll + Leiber TMS
LogoS C/S Enterprise
Quentic (The leading software for EHSQ & ESG management)
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
Warehouse Solutions (warehouse management system, BetterStore, BetterPick)