SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Expenses


What is meant by Expenses?

Expenses refer to the costs incurred during business trips or other business activities that are reimbursed by the company. These costs may include expenses for meals, accommodation, transportation, modes of transportation, communication, and other business-related expenses. Managing expenses is important to ensure accurate billing and reimbursement of incurred costs and to optimize expense control.

Typical features of software in the expense management area include:

  1. Expense Tracking: Tracking expenses for various categories such as meals, accommodation, transportation, etc.
  2. Receipt Management: Uploading and storing receipts for each expense to support accounting and invoicing.
  3. Currency Management: Supporting various currencies and automatically converting expenses into the local currency.
  4. Approval Workflows: Setting up workflows for the approval of expense claims by supervisors or finance departments.
  5. Reimbursement Processing: Processing expense claims and reimbursing employees in accordance with company policies.
  6. Compliance Monitoring: Monitoring expenses in line with internal policies and legal regulations.
  7. Reporting: Generating reports and analysis on expense spending for better control and decision-making.


The function / module Expenses belongs to:

Travel expenses

Software solutions with function or module Expenses:

Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
Sage HR Suite