SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Error description

Error description

What is meant by Error description?

Error description refers to the detailed and precise documentation of errors or defects occurring in a product, process, or system. A good error description helps in understanding the exact nature of the problem, analyzing its causes, and developing effective solutions.

Typical Functions of Software in the Area of "Error Description":

  1. Error Capture: Enabling the input and documentation of errors reported by users, customers, or automated systems.
  2. Detailed Description: Providing fields and templates for a comprehensive description of the error, including symptoms, conditions, and affected components.
  3. Multimedia Support: Allowing the upload of images, videos, or audio files to document the error visually or audibly.
  4. Categorization and Prioritization: Classifying errors by category and urgency to enable structured handling and prioritization.
  5. Root Cause Analysis: Integrating tools for analyzing the possible causes of the error, such as Ishikawa diagrams or 5-why analysis.
  6. Integration with Other Processes: Linking the error description with other relevant processes and modules such as production planning, quality management, and maintenance.
  7. Responsibility Assignment: Allowing the assignment of specific individuals or teams to investigate and resolve the error.
  8. Status Tracking: Real-time monitoring and updating the status of the error from detection to resolution.
  9. Reporting: Generating reports on reported errors, their status, and the actions taken.
  10. Data Analysis: Analyzing error data to identify patterns and promote continuous improvement.


The function / module Error description belongs to:


Escalation management

Software solutions with function or module Error description:

audius:CRM – the cross-functional standard software
audius:Seminar for training and seminar management
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
EcholoN Service Management Suite
Field Service Management - Dispatch
Field Service Management - Mobile
Hexagon - Intergraph Smart® 3D
Improve QM-Software
Microsoft Dynamics 365
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
Show all 24 programs with Error description