SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > equation-based modeling

equation-based modeling

What is meant by equation-based modeling?

The term "support for equation-based modeling" refers to software capabilities that enable the creation and analysis of mathematical models based on systems of equations. These models are commonly used in fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and economics to simulate, analyze, and predict complex systems and processes. The software assists in formulating the mathematical equations, solving them, and presenting the results visually or numerically.

Typical software functions in the area of "support for equation-based modeling":

  1. Equation Editor: Provides an interface for inputting and editing mathematical equations that describe the behavior of the model.
  2. Automatic Equation Solving: Implements numerical or symbolic solvers that allow solving the equations considering boundary conditions and initial values.
  3. Parameter Optimization: Functionality for automatically adjusting model parameters to maximize the fit between the model and experimental data.
  4. Simulation and Visualization: Enables the simulation of the model and the visualization of results in the form of graphs, charts, or animations.
  5. Validation and Verification: Tools for checking the accuracy and consistency of the model against real data or theoretical predictions.
  6. Export and Integration Options: Export models in various formats and integrate with other software solutions for further analysis or calculations.


The function / module equation-based modeling belongs to:


2D and 3D construction
bolted joints
CAM System
Column sinking
Component groups
Conjugate heat flow
Detection of curvatures
Effect avoidance
frequency response
heat transfer
Interaction with beams
linear buckling
linear statics
Mapped mesher
Partial construction
Partial dismantling
Partial strands
point, line and area loads
Reuse of constructions
Section creation
Shell thickener
Stability failure
static fatigue
Subgrade reaction modulus method
surface contact
Technical documents, standards
Temperature loads
Tetrahedral refiner
Vibration shapes
Zone management

Software solutions with function or module equation-based modeling:

Siemens Simcenter STAR CCM+