SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Endurance testing

Endurance testing

What is meant by Endurance testing?

"Endurance testing" involves conducting long-term tests or evaluations over an extended period to assess the performance, reliability, or durability of a product, system, or component under real or simulated conditions.

Typical Functions of Endurance Testing Software:

  1. Test Planning: Creation and management of test plans for endurance testing, including defining test parameters and duration.
  2. Data Monitoring: Continuous monitoring and recording of test data during endurance testing.
  3. Alarms and Notifications: Automatic notifications for deviations or critical events during the test.
  4. Performance Analysis: Analysis of performance data over an extended period to identify trends or issues.
  5. Reporting: Generation of reports and analysis on the results and progress of endurance tests.
  6. Integration with Sensors and Devices: Integration of sensors and measurement devices for data capture and analysis.
  7. Automation: Automation of test procedures and processes to enhance efficiency and consistency.
  8. Documentation: Comprehensive documentation of test results, logs, and outcomes for traceability and compliance purposes.


The function / module Endurance testing belongs to:

Measurement, control and regulation (MCR)

Software solutions with function or module Endurance testing:

AD-TEST - Know-How for Test Stands