SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > employment planning

employment planning

What is meant by employment planning?

Workforce planning involves the forecasting and planning of labor needs and resource utilization within a company. It includes determining how many work hours or employees are required to meet specific production or service goals. This is crucial for creating cost center budgets as planned employment serves as the basis for calculating cost rates. Workforce planning helps ensure efficient resource use and optimal utilization of production capacities.

Typical Software Functions in the Area of "Workforce Planning":

  1. Capacity Planning: Calculating and planning the required capacities based on production or sales forecasts, including determining necessary work hours and personnel resources.
  2. Shift and Duty Scheduling: Creating shift schedules and duty rosters to optimize workforce availability and avoid bottlenecks.
  3. Budgeting: Integrating planned employment into budget planning to calculate cost rates for cost centers based on expected employment.
  4. Resource Allocation: Allocating resources such as personnel, machines, and materials to specific periods or projects to support planned employment.
  5. Forecasting and Analysis: Creating forecasts for future workforce needs and analyzing deviations between planned and actual employment to identify optimization opportunities.
  6. Reporting: Generating reports and dashboards to monitor workforce planning and resource utilization.
  7. Integration with Sales and Production Plans: Aligning workforce planning with sales and production plans to ensure production capacities match planned sales volumes.


The function / module employment planning belongs to:

Personnel planning

Software solutions with function or module employment planning:
