SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Double-entry accounting functions

Double-entry accounting functions

What is meant by Double-entry accounting functions?

Double-entry accounting functions refer to the functionalities in accounting software that are specifically tailored to the requirements of double-entry accounting. Double-entry accounting is an accounting system based on the principle of double entry, where each financial transaction is recorded simultaneously on both the asset side and the liability side of the balance sheet. Double-entry accounting functions in software enable businesses and public administrations to capture, manage, and evaluate their financial data according to the principles of double-entry accounting.

Typical features of software in the area of double-entry accounting functions include:



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The function / module Double-entry accounting functions belongs to:


Public budget

Software solutions with function or module Double-entry accounting functions:

xSuite Invoice
xSuite Invoice
Accounts Payable Invoice Automation with SAP
TOPIX Financial Accounting
Powerful accounting software for SMEs
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