SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Door Open Alarm

Door Open Alarm

What is meant by Door Open Alarm?

The term "door open alarm" refers to a warning or alert system that is triggered when a door remains open for longer than a predefined time period or is opened without authorization. This alarm serves to monitor security and prevent doors from being left unattended, which could pose a security risk, particularly in sensitive or secured areas.

Typical software functions in the area of "door open alarm":

  1. Real-Time Alerts: Immediate notification when a door remains open longer than the set time, which can be sent via email, SMS, or app notifications.
  2. Timestamp Documentation: Logging of the times when the door was opened and the duration of its being open.
  3. Alarm Management: Configuration and management of alarm parameters, such as the duration after which an alarm is triggered and the type of notification.
  4. Reporting: Generating reports on door open times, alarm events, and incidents for analysis and improvement of security measures.
  5. Access Logs: Integration with access control systems to verify who opened the door and whether it was an authorized access.
  6. Visual Monitoring: Integration with surveillance cameras for visual confirmation of alarm events and better tracking.
  7. Automated Responses: Automatic control of systems like locks or alarm systems to close the door or take additional security measures.


The function / module Door Open Alarm belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Door Open Alarm:

DEXICON for access control and time recording
prime WebTime and prime WebAccess