SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Documentation of QM

Documentation of QM

What is meant by Documentation of QM?

"Documentation of Quality Management" refers to the systematic recording and management of all quality-related information, processes, and actions within a company. It aims to ensure compliance with quality standards, enable traceability, and support continuous improvement.

Typical software functions in the area of "Documentation of Quality Management":

  1. Document Management: Centralized management and versioning of quality documents such as manuals, procedures, and work instructions.

  2. Audit Management: Planning, execution, and tracking of internal and external audits to review quality management systems.

  3. Action Management: Capture, track, and monitor actions for correcting deviations, preventing errors, and continuous improvement.

  4. Risk Management: Identification, assessment, and management of risks related to quality processes and products.

  5. Training Management: Planning, management, and documentation of training and qualifications for quality assurance personnel.

  6. Non-Conformance Management: Handling of deviations and non-conformities, and tracking and documenting corrective actions.

  7. Change Management: Management of changes to quality-related documents, processes, or products with approval processes in place.

  8. Reporting and Analysis: Generation of reports, dashboards, and analyses on the performance of the quality management system.

  9. Integration and Interfaces: Integration with other enterprise systems such as ERP systems for seamless data transfer and utilization.

  10. Compliance Management: Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements related to quality assurance.

Examples of "Documentation of Quality Management":

  1. Quality Management Manual: Document outlining the quality policies, processes, and responsibilities within a company.

  2. Audit Report: Documentation of the results of an audit conducted, including findings, assessments, and recommendations.

  3. Corrective Action Report: Documentation of identified deviations, actions taken, and effectiveness verification.

  4. Training Record: Document confirming successful completion of training or qualification by an employee.

  5. Risk Assessment Document: Document assessing identified risks, describing their impacts, and proposing appropriate risk mitigation measures.


The function / module Documentation of QM belongs to:

Reports, logs and documentation

Application observations
automatic analysis report
Central documentation
Document Sharing
Form entries
Fuel log
IT documentation and IT visualization
Management reports
Master data catalogs
Network Statistics
Phone cost estimation
Phone number protocols
Position and distribution lists
Recording reasons
Sample assessments
Soundproofing certificate
System changes
Thermal insulation certificate

Quality management

External parties
Inspection relocation
Inspection severity
internal errors
Lot and intermediate inspection
Management and verification of reference persons
Measuring equipment
Parameterizable inspection characteristics
Recording reasons
Security check
Test automation
Testing methods
Visualization of loss causes

Software solutions with function or module Documentation of QM:

Aeneis - critical and success-relevant processes and assets under control.
CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
Drupal Wiki
e1ns Engineering
e1ns | FMEA in the Cloud
EcholoN Service Management Suite
Improve QM-Software
Layered Process Audit - eLPA
Show all 39 programs with Documentation of QM