SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Document separation

Document separation

What is meant by Document separation?

"Document separation during scanning" refers to the process of automatically or manually separating different documents or pages during the scanning process. This allows scanning multiple documents simultaneously and then separating them into separate files or folders based on predefined criteria such as page numbers, blank pages, or barcodes.

Typical features of software in the area of "document separation during scanning" include:

  1. Automatic detection: The software automatically recognizes different documents or pages based on predefined features such as page numbers, separator sheets, or barcode markings.

  2. Manual separation: Users have the option to manually separate documents if automatic detection is insufficient or adjustments are required.

  3. Batch processing: The software enables scanning of multiple documents in one go and automatically separates them into separate files or folders.

  4. Flexible configuration: Users can customize and define separation criteria to accommodate different requirements and document types.

  5. Preview and validation: Before separation, users can preview the scanned documents and validate the separation to ensure it is done correctly.


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The function / module Document separation belongs to:


Document management

Software solutions with function or module Document separation:

Efficient and transparent order processing
aktefix® digital
aktefix® digital
File, document and workflow management for SMEs
PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control
Database-supported application software for merchandise management and production
xSuite Invoice
xSuite Invoice
Accounts Payable Invoice Automation with SAP
A new era of content understanding