SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Document number assignment

Document number assignment

What is meant by Document number assignment?

Document number assignment refers to the process of automatically or manually assigning unique numbers or codes to business documents such as invoices, delivery notes, purchase orders, and receipts. These numbers are used to identify, track, and archive the documents. Document number assignment enables systematic organization of documents and facilitates later search and referencing.

Typical functions of software in the area of "document number assignment" include:

  1. Automatic Number Generation: Automated generation of unique document numbers according to defined rules and templates.
  2. Customizable Number Formats: Ability to customize number formats and structures according to the company's requirements.
  3. Number Assignment: Assignment of document numbers to various types of business documents based on predefined criteria or manual inputs.
  4. Number Ranges: Management of number ranges for different types of documents and business areas to avoid duplicates and ensure uniqueness.
  5. Number Assignment History: Logging of document number assignments for comprehensive tracking and auditing of documents.
  6. Prefixes and Suffixes: Addition of prefixes or suffixes to document numbers for additional contextualization or labeling.


The function / module Document number assignment belongs to:

Point of Sale (Pos) and cash register


Document management

Software solutions with function or module Document number assignment:

Sage 100