SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Document access

Document access

What is meant by Document access?

The term "document access" refers to the viewing, editing, or managing of documents within a software system. These accesses can be performed by users or systems and are often linked to permissions or roles to ensure that only authorized individuals can access certain documents.

Typical Software Functions in the Area of "Document Access":

  1. Access Control: Management and assignment of permissions to determine which users or groups can access specific documents.
  2. Access Logging: Recording and tracking document access to document who accessed which documents and when.
  3. Document Versioning: Management and access to different versions of a document to track changes and restore previous versions.
  4. Search Functions: Allow users to quickly access documents by searching for keywords or using filters to find the needed files.
  5. Permission-Based Views: Displaying documents based on user permissions so that only relevant information is visible to certain users.
  6. Remote Access: Accessing documents from various locations while maintaining the security and integrity of the data.


The function / module Document access belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Document access:

CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
rexx HR - Personnel Management / Digital File