SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Directory of processing activities

Directory of processing activities

What is meant by Directory of processing activities?

The term "Record of Processing Activities (RoPA)" refers to a central document that details all processing activities of a company concerning personal data. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), companies are required to maintain this record to ensure transparency and traceability of data processing. The RoPA includes information such as the purpose of data processing, the categories of data processed, the data subjects involved, potential recipients of the data, as well as technical and organizational measures to protect the data.

Typical software functions in the area of "Record of Processing Activities (RoPA)":

  1. Creation and Management: Assistance in the creation and continuous updating of the record of processing activities.
  2. Template Management: Provision of templates to facilitate the structuring and documentation of processing activities.
  3. Linkage with Data Protection Impact Assessment: Integration of RoPA data with Data Protection Impact Assessments to identify and evaluate risks.
  4. Automated Reporting: Generation of reports on processing activities for audits or regulatory requirements.
  5. Access Rights Management: Management of access rights to ensure that only authorized individuals can view and edit the record.
  6. Versioning and History: Tracking of changes in the record, including historical versions to ensure auditability.


The function / module Directory of processing activities belongs to:

Data protection

Software solutions with function or module Directory of processing activities:

Compliance Aspekte
otris privacy
QSEC - GRC/ISMS, ISO 27001/BSI standard- IT protection, B3S and data protection