SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Digital stationery

Digital stationery

What is meant by Digital stationery?

"Digital stationery" refers to a virtual design or template used in software applications to create digital letters or documents. It resembles traditional letterhead used for physical letters, but digital letterhead is utilized in electronic documents to provide professional or brand-specific appearances.

Typical functions of software in the area of "digital stationery" could include:

  1. Template selection: Choosing from a collection of predefined digital letterhead templates or the ability to create custom templates.

  2. Customization options: Features to customize the design of the digital letterhead, including background colors, images, logos, fonts, and layouts.

  3. Insertion of branding: Ability to insert trademarks, company logos, or other brand images into the digital letterhead to strengthen brand identity.

  4. Integration of contact details: Automatic insertion of contact information such as address, phone number, email address, etc., into the digital letterhead.

  5. Storage and management: Functions for saving and managing digital letterhead templates, including the ability to save and organize templates for future use.

  6. Insertion into documents: Ability to insert the digital letterhead into electronic documents to create professional or brand-specific letters or communications.

  7. Compatibility and export: Ensuring compatibility with various file formats and export options to use the created documents in different environments.

The function / module Digital stationery belongs to:

Letters and correspondence

Software solutions with function or module Digital stationery:

CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
ERP twyz.enterprise
Improve QM-Software
Sta*Ware Business Navigator®