SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > digital construction file

digital construction file

What is meant by digital construction file?

A "digital construction file" refers to an electronic version of the traditional construction file that stores and manages all relevant documents, plans, and information of a construction project digitally. This digitization facilitates access, editing, and management of construction information and documents.

Typical functions of software in the "digital construction file" area include:

  1. Document Management: Electronic storage and management of construction plans, contracts, permits, and other important documents.
  2. Version Control: Tracking changes and versions of documents to ensure that the most current version is always used.
  3. Access Rights: Managing user rights and roles to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to specific documents.
  4. Search and Filter: Powerful search and filter functions to quickly find specific documents or information.
  5. Mobile Access: Ability to access the digital construction file and edit documents from mobile devices.
  6. Collaboration: Features to support collaboration between various project participants, such as architects, engineers, and construction companies.
  7. Audit Trails: Tracking access and changes to documents to ensure transparency and audit security.
  8. Integration with Other Systems: Connecting to other construction and project management software for seamless data transfer and utilization.
  9. Notifications and Alerts: Setting up notifications for important events or deadlines within the construction project.
  10. Data Security: Encrypting and securely storing documents to protect against unauthorized access and data loss.


The function / module digital construction file belongs to:

Reports, logs and documentation

Application observations
automatic analysis report
Central documentation
Document Sharing
Form entries
Fuel log
IT documentation and IT visualization
Management reports
Master data catalogs
Network Statistics
Phone cost estimation
Phone number protocols
Position and distribution lists
Recording reasons
Sample assessments
Soundproofing certificate
System changes
Thermal insulation certificate

Software solutions with function or module digital construction file:

Construction diary 2023