SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Deletion classes

Deletion classes

What is meant by Deletion classes?

The term "retention classes" refers to categories or levels used to classify data or documents to determine how and when they should be deleted or archived. Retention classes help define policies for data retention and destruction based on factors such as data type, legal requirements, or business needs. Each retention class specifies specific requirements and timeframes for data deletion to ensure compliance with all legal and business requirements.

Typical software functions in the area of "retention classes":

  1. Categorization: Assigning data or documents to specific retention classes based on predefined criteria such as sensitivity or legal requirements.
  2. Retention Policies: Defining and managing policies for each retention class that specify how long data should be retained and when it can be deleted.
  3. Automated Deletion: Implementing automated processes to carry out data deletion according to the defined retention classes and schedules.
  4. Monitoring and Logging: Monitoring compliance with retention policies and logging deletion activities for audit and compliance purposes.
  5. Notification System: Automated notifications and alerts for responsible individuals or departments when data is due for deletion according to the retention class.
  6. Reporting: Generating reports on compliance with retention policies and execution of deletion activities, including the data that was deleted and adherence to retention deadlines.


The function / module Deletion classes belongs to:

Data protection

Software solutions with function or module Deletion classes:

Compliance Aspekte
QSEC - GRC/ISMS, ISO 27001/BSI standard- IT protection, B3S and data protection