SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Definition of assembly connections

Definition of assembly connections

What is meant by Definition of assembly connections?

The term "Definition of Assembly Connections" refers to the establishment and specification of how individual components or subassemblies are connected and positioned within a larger assembly. This includes determining connection elements, assembly methods, and spatial relationships between parts.

Typical software functions in the area of "Definition of Assembly Connections":

  1. Connection Wizard: Guides the user through the process of creating various types of connections.
  2. Constraint Manager: Allows the definition and management of geometric relationships between parts.
  3. Connection Library: Provides a collection of predefined connection elements and methods.
  4. Collision Detection: Automatically checks for interferences between connected components.
  5. Parametric Modeling: Allows the creation of connections that automatically adjust when part geometry changes.
  6. Connection Analysis: Evaluates the strength and performance of defined connections.

Examples of "Definition of Assembly Connections":

  1. Bolted Connection: Specification of bolt type, size, and tightening torque.
  2. Weld Definition: Specification of weld type, length, and position.
  3. Snap-fit Connection: Definition of connector profiles and snap-in mechanisms.
  4. Adhesive Bonding: Determination of bonding surfaces and adhesive to be used.
  5. Pin-Hole Connection: Specification of pin diameter and hole tolerance.
  6. Press Fit: Definition of interference fits for shaft and hub.

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The function / module Definition of assembly connections belongs to:

Finite elements

Software solutions with function or module Definition of assembly connections:

Risk management software for DFMEA, PFMEA, Process Flow and Control Plan
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software