SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Debugging


What is meant by Debugging?

The term "debugging" refers to the process of identifying, analyzing, and fixing errors (bugs) in software. Debugging is a crucial phase in software development aimed at finding and correcting program errors to ensure functionality and stability. This process involves testing programs, tracking program execution, and analyzing the causes of malfunctions.

Typical Software Functions in the Area of "Debugging":

  1. Error Logging:

    • Capturing and documenting errors and exceptions during program execution.
    • Displaying error messages and stack traces to trace the cause of errors.
  2. Breakpoints:

    • Setting breakpoints in the code to pause program execution at specific points.
    • Allows examination of variable states and program logic at certain moments.
  3. Step Execution:

    • Executing the program step-by-step (Step Over, Step Into, Step Out) to monitor execution closely.
    • Helps analyze program flow and identify the cause of errors.
  4. Variable Monitoring:

    • Monitoring and displaying variable values during program execution.
    • Assists in tracking changes and identifying faulty values.
  5. Code Analysis Tools:

    • Using tools for static and dynamic code analysis to identify potential error sources.
    • Integration of linters and analysis tools to aid in debugging.
  6. Debugging Views:

    • Providing special views or windows in the development environment to facilitate the debugging process (e.g., Call Stack, Threads, Watch Windows).
    • Helps visualize program state and error causes.
  7. Remote Debugging:

    • Ability to find errors in programs running on remote servers or devices.
    • Connecting to a remote system to perform debugging over a network.
  8. Testing and Debugging Integration:

    • Combining debugging functions with test frameworks for unit and integration testing.
    • Automatic error reporting and analysis during the testing process.


The function / module Debugging belongs to:

Test management

Software solutions with function or module Debugging:

KeepTool - Tools for Oracle Databases