SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > database checks

database checks

What is meant by database checks?

The term "database audits" refers to the process of reviewing and validating databases to ensure they are functioning correctly, containing consistent data, and meeting established quality standards. These audits can be conducted regularly to maintain the integrity and performance of the database.

Typical software functions in the area of "database audits":

  1. Consistency Checks: Ensuring that all data within the database is correct and free from contradictions.
  2. Integrity Checks: Ensuring database integrity through rules and constraints (e.g., foreign keys, unique keys).
  3. Performance Monitoring: Monitoring database performance, including query speed and resource usage.
  4. Security Audits: Checking for security vulnerabilities and unauthorized access.
  5. Backup Validation: Ensuring that backups are correctly created and can be restored in case of data loss.
  6. Schema Validation: Ensuring that the database schema meets the specified requirements.
  7. Data Validation: Checking data for accuracy, completeness, and currency.
  8. Error Logging: Recording and analyzing errors and anomalies detected during audits.


The function / module database checks belongs to:

Data integrity

Software solutions with function or module database checks:

4ALLPORTAL- DAM Software - Digital Asset Management
aktefix® digital
KeepTool - Tools for Oracle Databases