SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Data verification

Data verification

What is meant by Data verification?

Data verification refers to the process of verifying data for accuracy, completeness, consistency, and validity to ensure that it meets expected standards and is suitable for further processing. This process can be automated or manual and is crucial for data accuracy and error avoidance in applications and systems.

Typical functions of software in the area of "data verification" include:

  1. Validation of Data Formats: Checking if the data conforms to expected formats, such as date, time, numbers, strings, etc.
  2. Plausibility Check: Verifying the consistency and plausibility of data to ensure it is logically correct.
  3. Data Integrity Check: Ensuring that data is complete, consistent, and free of contradictions.
  4. Data Cleansing: Identifying and correcting erroneous or inconsistent data to improve data quality.
  5. Duplicate Detection and Removal: Identifying and removing duplicate records to ensure data consistency.
  6. Referential Integrity Check: Checking relationships between different records to ensure references are correct.
  7. Validation of Business Rules: Checking if data adheres to specific business rules or regulations.
  8. Automated Checks: Automating validation processes to save time and reduce human errors.
  9. Custom Validation Rules: Ability to define custom validation rules according to specific user or business requirements.
  10. Logging and Reporting: Logging validation activities and generating reports on the results of data validation.


The function / module Data verification belongs to:

Data integrity

Software solutions with function or module Data verification:

KeepTool - Tools for Oracle Databases
KM2002 - Komplexitäts-, Varianten- und Valuemanagement