SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Data operations

Data operations

What is meant by Data operations?

Data operations refer to the various types of operations or actions that can be applied to data to manipulate, transform, analyze, or otherwise process it. These operations can include both simple and complex operations and are commonly used in software applications to effectively manage and utilize data.

Typical functions of software in the area of "data operations" include:

  1. Reading Data: Retrieving data from various sources such as databases, files, APIs, etc.
  2. Writing Data: Storing data in databases, files, or other storage locations.
  3. Updating Data: Modifying or updating existing records or information.
  4. Deleting Data: Removing records or information from a data source.
  5. Filtering Data: Selecting data based on specific criteria or conditions.
  6. Sorting Data: Arranging data in a specific order based on defined criteria.
  7. Aggregating Data: Summarizing or aggregating data to create summaries or statistics.
  8. Joining Data: Combining data from different sources based on common keys or relationships.
  9. Transforming Data: Applying transformations or rules to data to change its format or structure.
  10. Analyzing Data: Performing analysis or calculations on data to gain insights or findings.


The function / module Data operations belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Data operations:

4ALLPORTAL- DAM Software - Digital Asset Management
Apparo Fast Edit
BrainGate – Secure Pharma Gateway
Magic Data Management & Analytics Platform