SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Data coding

Data coding

What is meant by Data coding?

The term "data encoding" refers to the process of converting information into a format that can be processed, stored, or transmitted by computers and other electronic devices. It involves representing data in a standardized and machine-readable form.

Typical software functions in the area of "data encoding":

  1. Character set conversion: Conversion between different character encodings such as ASCII, Unicode, or UTF-8.
  2. Binary encoding: Conversion of data into binary format for efficient storage and transmission.
  3. Data compression: Reduction of data volume through various compression algorithms.
  4. Error correction: Implementation of error detection and correction codes for reliable data transmission.
  5. Encryption: Encoding of data to ensure security and confidentiality.
  6. Format conversion: Conversion of data between different file formats.

Examples of "data encoding":

  1. ASCII encoding of text characters into 7-bit binary codes.
  2. QR code generation for quick information capture.
  3. Base64 encoding for secure transmission of binary data in text formats.
  4. JPEG compression for efficient storage of image data.
  5. Huffman coding for lossless data compression.
  6. RSA encryption for secure transmission of sensitive data.

The function / module Data coding belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Data coding:

Parsec.NET - complete solution for asset inventory
Secldent – Empower digital identity