SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Availability calendar

Availability calendar

What is meant by Availability calendar?

A "availability calendar" is a tool for visualizing the availability of resources, services, or facilities over a specific period of time.

Typical functions of software in the "availability calendar" domain may include:

  1. Clear presentation: Presentation of resource availability in a calendar format that allows users to quickly see which dates or time slots are still available and which are already booked.

  2. Color-coded indication: Highlighting of available and booked periods using different colors or symbols to facilitate differentiation.

  3. Booking options: Ability for users to book available dates directly within the calendar or to submit reservation requests.

  4. Customizable filters: Option to customize filters to display data based on various criteria such as date, resource, or category.

  5. Automatic updates: Automatic updating of the calendar to reflect changes in real-time, such as new bookings, cancellations, or updates.

  6. Multilingual support: Providing the calendar in multiple languages to accommodate the needs of international users.

  7. Integration with booking systems: Integration of the availability calendar with booking systems or other applications for seamless management of reservations and bookings.

  8. Customizable views: Ability to customize the calendar view according to needs, such as day view, week view, or month view.


The function / module Availability calendar belongs to:

Hotel management (PMS)

Software solutions with function or module Availability calendar:

edoobox - Online booking system
Field Service Management - Dispatch
HS/3 Hotelsoftware