SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Auxiliary means management

Auxiliary means management

What is meant by Auxiliary means management?

"Auxiliary means management" refers to the process of organizing and managing aids or equipment used in various sectors such as healthcare, industry, or education.

Typical functions of software in the "Auxiliary means management" domain include:

  1. Inventory Management: Capturing, tracking, and updating the inventory of aids or equipment.

  2. Loan Management: Managing loans and returns of aids, including due dates and fees.

  3. Maintenance Planning: Planning and monitoring maintenance activities for the aids to ensure their optimal functionality.

  4. User Management: Managing user profiles and access rights to ensure only authorized individuals can access the aids.

  5. Reporting and Analysis: Generating reports on the status of aid inventory, loan activities, and maintenance logs to support decision-making processes.

  6. Integration: Ability to integrate with other systems such as accounting or customer relationship management to ensure smooth information exchange.


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The function / module Auxiliary means management belongs to:

Healthcare and medicine

Software solutions with function or module Auxiliary means management:

Digital assistant for the implementation of ESG regulations