SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Autorouting


What is meant by Autorouting?

"Autorouting" refers to a feature in PCB design software that automatically creates the connections (traces) between components on a printed circuit board (PCB). This function is used to accelerate the design process by allowing the software to calculate and implement the optimal routing of traces on the PCB based on predefined design rules and constraints.

Typical software functions in the area of "Autorouting":

  1. Automatic Trace Routing: Automatic placement and routing of traces between components on the PCB.
  2. Design Rule Checking: Verification that the automatically generated traces adhere to predefined design rules and constraints, such as minimum distances and trace widths.
  3. Signal Path Optimization: Optimization of traces to minimize signal interference and maximize performance.
  4. Real-Time Feedback: Immediate feedback on trace placement and quality during the autorouting process.
  5. Configurable Routing Strategies: Support for various routing strategies, such as manual or interactive routing, to meet different design requirements.
  6. Error Detection: Identification and correction of issues such as overlaps or inadequate connections during the autorouting process.
  7. Design Rule Configuration: Ability to configure and customize design rules used for autorouting.
  8. Routing Results Visualization: Display of the automatically generated traces on the PCB for review and adjustment.
  9. Integration with Layout Editors: Integration of autorouting with layout editors for seamless editing and adjustment of PCB designs.


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The function / module Autorouting belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Autorouting:

Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software
ALPI Caneco Implantation
Planning and design of electrical systems in 2D/3D on the Autodesk AutoCAD platform