SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Authorization profiles

Authorization profiles

What is meant by Authorization profiles?

"Berechtigungsprofile" in software development refers to the settings or configurations that determine which users or user groups are allowed to access which functions or data within a software application. Permission profiles serve to ensure security and privacy by restricting access to sensitive information or functions to authorized users.

Typical features of software in the area of "Berechtigungsprofile" include:

  1. User and group management: The software allows for the creation and management of user accounts as well as the organization of users into groups to efficiently manage permissions.

  2. Definition of access rights: Administrators can create permission profiles that define which actions or data individual users or groups within the software are allowed to perform. This may include reading, writing, modifying, or deleting data.

  3. Fine-grained permissions: The software enables fine-grained configuration of permissions at various levels, such as module, folder, or record level, to precisely specify which actions are allowed.

  4. Permission hierarchies: Administrators can create permission hierarchies to prioritize certain user groups or to ensure that users with higher permissions have the necessary control.

  5. Logging and monitoring: The software allows administrators to monitor access to sensitive data and create logs to record who has performed which actions within the software.

  6. Time-based permissions: Administrators can limit permissions temporally, for example, for temporary projects or time-limited tasks, to ensure that users only have access for the required duration.

  7. Integration of Single Sign-On (SSO): The software can be integrated with single sign-on solutions to simplify access rights management and provide users with a seamless login experience.


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The function / module Authorization profiles belongs to:

User rights

Software solutions with function or module Authorization profiles:

Modular, expandable software for document, customer, task and dictation management
KeepTool - Tools for Oracle Databases
The universal tool for all Oracle DBA and application developers
Software zur Vermietung von Wohnmobilen, Caravans, Baumaschinen, Anhängern, Transportern
Sage HR Suite
Personnel software from Sage - lead your employees with success
Powerful compliance platform innovative IT systems
myPARM - Multi-project management software
Multi-project management and PPM software