SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Article master data maintenance
Article master data maintenance

Article master data maintenance

What is meant by Article master data maintenance?

"Article master data maintenance" refers to the process of managing and maintaining fundamental information about products or items within a company. This includes centrally managing data such as article number, description, pricing, supplier information, and other relevant attribute data.

Typical features of software in the area of "Article Master Data Maintenance" include:

  1. Article Management:

    • Capturing and maintaining article information such as name, description, classification, and technical specifications.
    • Importing and exporting article data from various sources and formats.
  2. Attribute Management:

    • Managing and defining attribute data such as weight, size, color, and other specific characteristics.
    • Customizable attribute schemas and support for different languages and markets.
  3. Pricing and Conditions:

    • Setting prices, discounts, currencies, and tax considerations for each article.
    • Support for flexible pricing structures and management of price changes.
  4. Supplier and Manufacturer Data:

    • Managing supplier information including contact details, lead times, and contract terms.
    • Automatic updates and notifications for changes in supplier information.
  5. Availability and Inventory Management:

    • Monitoring article availability and inventory management.
    • Integration with warehouse management systems for inventory control and optimization.
  6. Compliance and Security:

    • Ensuring compliance with legal regulations and standards for product data.
    • Security measures to prevent data loss or unauthorized access.


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The function / module Article master data maintenance belongs to:


Inventory management and control

Software solutions with function or module Article master data maintenance:

KeepTool - Tools for Oracle Databases
The universal tool for all Oracle DBA and application developers
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
ERP twyz.enterprise
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert.
microtech büro+
Complex is simple: The ERP solution from microtech
Oktopus Pro
Centralised management of contact data, correspondence, appointments, orders, stock levels
ERP | CRM | PIM | Merchandise Management | Business Intelligence - complete solution
Marketing Resource Management Software für Multi Channel Aktivitäten
Service Portal ERP
Organization and management of service requests
Highly efficient product data management as the key to success
One software 4ALL data! save resources ✔ increase revenue ✔ with DAM & PIM
Show all 20 programs with Article master data maintenance