SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Article hit list

Article hit list

What is meant by Article hit list?

The term "article hit list" refers to a ranking or overview of articles ordered by their popularity or sales figures. This list displays the most frequently purchased or most viewed articles within a specific time period or for a particular category.

Typical software functions in the area of "article hit list" include:

  1. Ranking Algorithm: Calculation of the order of articles based on sales figures, search queries, or other criteria.
  2. Data Visualization: Graphical representation of the hit list, e.g., through charts or tables.
  3. Filtering and Sorting Options: Ability to filter and sort the hit list by time periods, categories, or other parameters.
  4. Reporting: Creation of reports on the performance of articles in the hit list for analysis or strategic decisions.
  5. Update Mechanism: Automatic or manual updating of the hit list at specified intervals.
  6. User Access Control: Management of access rights to the hit list to ensure that only authorized users can view or edit it.


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The function / module Article hit list belongs to:

Lists, reports

Software solutions with function or module Article hit list:

PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control