What is meant by Article hit and rivet lists?
Best-selling and poor-performing product lists are analytical tools that identify a company's most successful and least successful products or items. "Best-selling lists" include the top performers, while "poor-performing lists" encompass products that sell the least or have the lowest profitability. These lists help companies evaluate the performance of their product range and make strategic decisions.
Typical Functions of Software in the Area of Best-Selling and Poor-Performing Product Lists:
- Sales Analysis: Analyzing sales data to identify the best-selling and least-selling items.
- Revenue and Profit Calculation: Calculating revenues and profits for each product to determine the most and least profitable items.
- Inventory Monitoring: Monitoring inventory levels to determine which items move quickly and which remain in stock for long periods.
- Trend Analysis: Identifying trends and patterns in sales data to predict future top performers or poor sellers.
- Dashboards and Visualizations: Providing interactive dashboards and graphics that clearly display the best-selling and poor-performing lists.
- Report Generation: Producing detailed reports that summarize the performance of individual items and provide recommendations for optimizing the product portfolio.
- Custom Filters and Criteria: Allowing customization of the criteria used to classify items as "best-selling" or "poor-performing" based on specific business requirements.