SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Anti-Pass-Back


What is meant by Anti-Pass-Back?

The term "Anti-Pass-Back" refers to a function in access control systems designed to prevent the unauthorized sharing of access cards or identification tokens. This function ensures that an identification medium (such as a card or biometric fingerprint) cannot be used multiple times to access the same control point. It enhances security by requiring that a person must enter or exit a specific area before the same card or medium can be used again.

Typical software functions in the area of "Anti-Pass-Back":

  1. Access Verification: Checking if an identification medium has already been used to enter or exit a specific area and preventing further access attempts until the appropriate action is completed.
  2. Real-Time Logging: Recording all access events in real time to monitor compliance with Anti-Pass-Back policies and detect irregular usage.
  3. Notifications and Alerts: Automated notifications or alerts to security or administrative personnel in case of suspected misuse or violations of Anti-Pass-Back rules.
  4. Reporting: Generating detailed reports on access events and violations of Anti-Pass-Back policies for analysis and audits.
  5. Policy Configuration and Adjustment: Ability to configure and adjust Anti-Pass-Back settings to meet the specific security requirements of an organization.
  6. Integration with Other Security Systems: Linking the Anti-Pass-Back system with other security systems, such as video surveillance or alarm systems, for comprehensive security monitoring.

Examples of "Anti-Pass-Back":

  1. Office Building: In an office building, the Anti-Pass-Back system ensures that an employee badge cannot be used multiple times to access the same areas within a given time period.
  2. Data Center: In a data center, the Anti-Pass-Back system prevents a technician from passing their access card to others, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access secure areas until the technician exits.
  3. Healthcare: In a hospital, Anti-Pass-Back ensures that medical staff can only enter or exit specific wards or laboratories if they have completed the required tasks in those areas.
  4. Event Venues: At large events, the Anti-Pass-Back system prevents tickets from being used multiple times for entry to the venue, thereby reducing fraud.


The function / module Anti-Pass-Back belongs to:



Software solutions with function or module Anti-Pass-Back:

DEXICON for access control and time recording
prime WebTime and prime WebAccess