SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Administration


What is meant by Administration?

The term "administration" refers to the organizational and administrative tasks required to manage and coordinate resources, processes, and information within a company or organization. The goal of administration is to ensure the smooth operation of daily business activities, make decisions, and ensure compliance with regulations and guidelines.

Typical software functions in the area of "administration":

Examples of "administration":


The function / module Administration belongs to:

Projects (project controlling)

Cost types, cost centers and cost units

Software solutions with function or module Administration:

The hybrid project management software solution aligned to IPMA / PMI standard
Software for financial project planning, control, accounting and reporting
PLANTA Project - Agile and TRaditional Project Management
Agile, classical and traditional multi-project management
Web-based complete solution for enterprise-wide project and portfolio management
Project Software - ERP for Service Providers
OCT Integration
OCT Integration
Automated data integration from all ERP systems: DATEV, SAP and many more.
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
MSO Maßnahmen-Manager – direkt einsetzbar – beliebig skalierbar – einfach konfigurierbar
Customized industry solution for engineering & planning office
Web-based project management platform for make-to-order manufacturers
CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Modular quality management software solutions for all industries and company sizes.
Show all 28 programs with Administration