SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Accounting


What is meant by Accounting?

The term "accounting" refers to the systematic and organized recording of all financial transactions of a company. It serves as the basis for preparing financial statements, tax returns, and management reports. Accounting is an essential part of a company's financial management and ensures that all business transactions are accurately recorded and documented.

Typical software functions in the area of "accounting":

Examples of "accounting":



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The function / module Accounting belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Accounting:

Software for the organization of seminars & events
TRIMIT Fashion
TRIMIT Fashion
Solution for the fashion industry on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Software for digitizing driver's license checks for companies with company cars
Systems for time recording, personnel management & access control
unitop ERP Trade
The industry solution for wholesale and distance selling
unitop NPO
Software for associations, fundraising organizations and academies
Complete veneer goods management with various components
Automated invoice management
e.bootis-ERPII Suite
e.bootis-ERPII Suite
Future-oriented ERP software for trade, industry & services
Publishing software, industry solution for publishers
Show all 63 programs with Accounting