SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Access rights

Access rights

What is meant by Access rights?

Access rights refer to the permissions or authorizations assigned to a user or group of users within a software application or system. They regulate what functions, data, or areas a user can view, edit, or use. Access rights are crucial for security and data privacy in software applications, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel.

Typical Functions of Software in "Access Rights":

  1. User Management: Managing user accounts and assigning access rights based on roles and responsibilities of users.

  2. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Providing an RBAC method where access rights are tied to predefined roles within the organization.

  3. Permission Management: Granular management of permissions for specific functions, modules, or data within the software.

  4. Access Levels: Defining access levels or tiers that determine what actions a user can perform within specific modules or areas (e.g., read, write, delete).

  5. Audit Trail: Logging user activities and changes to access rights for review and tracking purposes.

  6. Time-Based Access Rules: Automated control of access rights based on schedules or time parameters, e.g., time-limited access for certain users.

  7. Group and Team Management: Managing access rights for groups or teams of users to simplify assignment and management of permissions.

  8. External Access Control: Managing access rights for external partners, customers, or service providers needing limited access to specific functions or data.

  9. Single Sign-On (SSO): Supporting SSO to simplify access rights management across multiple systems and minimize security risks.

  10. Compliance and Security: Ensuring compliance with security standards and legal regulations by implementing strict access controls and data protection measures.


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The function / module Access rights belongs to:


Operating systems

Software solutions with function or module Access rights:

rexx Enterprise Recruitment - Applicant Management Software
Process Optimization Applicant Management / eRecruiting & Job Board / Recruitment
Digital Asset Management Software
CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Modular quality management software solutions for all industries and company sizes.
The leading contract management software for mid-sized and enterprise businesses
Holistic Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
CURSOR-CRM - Quickly ready to go. Flexibly expandable.
Process automation in the HR department without programming
The software for your digital quality management
Risk management system based on a specialist concept from PricewaterhouseCoopers
Show all 25 programs with Access rights