SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > 3D traffic light factor

3D traffic light factor

What is meant by 3D traffic light factor?

The term "3D Traffic Light Factor" (Red, Yellow, Green, Status) refers to a visual management and control system often used in manufacturing and project management. It provides a quick and intuitive assessment of the status of projects, processes, or machines. The traffic light factor uses the colors red, yellow, and green to indicate condition or performance: green means "okay", yellow means "caution, check required", and red means "problems, immediate action required".

Typical software functions in the area of "3D Traffic Light Factor":

  1. Status Display: Visual representation of the current status in a dashboard or report format.
  2. Automatic Status Update: Regular and automated update of the traffic light status based on predefined criteria and real-time data.
  3. Notification System: Automated alerts and notifications when the status changes, e.g., from green to yellow or red.
  4. Data Analysis and Reporting: Analysis of underlying data and generation of reports to identify trends and causes of status changes.
  5. Customizable Thresholds: Ability to individually adjust the thresholds for the different status colors.
  6. Integration with Other Systems: Linking with ERP, MES, or other data sources for consolidation and verification of status information.
  7. History Tracking: Recording and tracking status changes over time for process analysis and improvement.
  8. User Rights and Roles: Management of access rights for different user groups to ensure data security and integrity.

Examples of "3D Traffic Light Factor":

  1. Machine Status: Display of the current operational status of machines in a production line (Green: normal operation, Yellow: maintenance required, Red: malfunction).
  2. Project Progress: Visualization of project milestone progress (Green: on schedule, Yellow: delay anticipated, Red: significantly behind schedule).
  3. Quality Control: Status display of quality inspections (Green: all tests passed, Yellow: some tests not passed, Red: many tests not passed).
  4. Inventory Levels: Monitoring of inventory levels (Green: sufficient stock, Yellow: reorder required, Red: critical stock).
  5. Employee Performance: Assessment of employee or team performance (Green: target achieved, Yellow: target partially achieved, Red: target not achieved).


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The function / module 3D traffic light factor belongs to:

Quality management

Methods / Optimizations

Software solutions with function or module 3D traffic light factor:

EcholoN Service Management Suite
EcholoN - holistic service management
iqs CAQ Solutions – synonymous with quality.
Aeneis - critical and success-relevant processes and assets under control.
Aeneis | BPM Software for Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)
CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Modular quality management software solutions for all industries and company sizes.
QM software for the intelligent digitalization of all quality processes
From digital worker guidance, maintenance and production monitoring to emergency managemen