SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > 1:n reports

1:n reports

What is meant by 1:n reports?

"1:n-Reports" refers to report types that display data in a 1:n relationship, where one record (the "1") is linked to multiple other records (the "n"). These reports are useful for showing detailed information about multiple related records in a structured manner. They help in understanding the relationships between a single record and its associated sub-records or linked elements, such as the relationship between a customer and their orders.


Typical software functions in the area of "1:n-Reports":

  1. Linked Data Visualization: Representation of 1:n relationships through hierarchical or tabular views that clarify the connection between primary and subordinate records.
  2. Automatic Data Mapping: Automatic assignment and display of related records within the report, based on the predefined relationships in the database.
  3. Dynamic Filters: Ability to dynamically filter data in 1:n-reports to highlight specific relationships or details.
  4. Report Customization: Customization of the report's layout and presentation to improve clarity and readability of 1:n relationships.
  5. Linked Report Generation: Option to navigate directly from a 1:n-report to detailed linked reports or retrieve additional information on a specific record.
  6. Export and Integration: Export of 1:n-reports into various formats (e.g., PDF, Excel) and integration with other systems or reporting tools.

Examples of "1:n-Reports":

  1. Customer-Orders Report: Displays a customer (1) and all their orders (n) in one report.
  2. Project-Tasks Report: Shows a project (1) and all associated tasks (n).
  3. Product-Suppliers Report: Lists a product (1) and all its suppliers (n).
  4. Employee-Training Report: Shows an employee (1) and all completed training sessions (n).
  5. Contract-Services Report: Displays a contract (1) and all related services (n).


The function / module 1:n reports belongs to:

Lists, reports

Article analysis
Autofax function
Backorder lists
Bundle print jobs
Collective editing
Customer evaluations
different printing systems
Instant messages
Mailing lists
Map printing
Network Statistics
Pro forma invoices and credit notes

Software solutions with function or module 1:n reports:

Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
myPARM - Multi-project management software
TARGIT Decision Suite