The WASP-Logistik GmbH team consists of logistics and IT industry professionals who develop user-friendly and practical solutions against the backdrop of their many years of experience. They are actively committed to their customers.
With the WASP timber logistics solution, WASP-Logistik GmbH enables the optimization of the forest/plant logistics chain. Information and communication technologies based on state-of-the-art cloud technology are used. Existing soft<ware solutions for the forestry and timber industry are integrated and interconnected.
The basic application is supplemented by route planning and optimization applications for log transports, a dispatcher support tool for chipper deployment in biomass logistics and an energy wood exchange that mediates between suppliers and buyers.
In addition, WASP-Logistik GmbH offers standard (workshop and financial) and individual software for logistics companies. The services also include seminars, training, organization and consulting in the field of logistics.